Staging for Success!

Home staging refers to the process of preparing a property for sale by enhancing its appearance and making it more appealing to potential buyers. This involves creating a welcoming atmosphere, that helps buyers visualize themselves living in the space. Home staging can lead to a quicker sale and potentially even a higher selling price. There are professionals that can help with this task; however, there are also many things the homebuyer can do themselves to showcase the homes best features and stage for success!

Start with a clean canvas
Before diving into staging, ensure your home is spotlessly clean. Declutter each room, putting belongings in storage, as needed. Do a deep clean of your house, ensuring no space is overlooked. A clean house is one of the best ways to improve your chance of a sale.

While your personal touches are what makes your home uniquely yours, they may not resonate with every buyer. Removing family photos, and bold décor will help neutralize your space and will help the buyer to envision their own belongings, and family in your home.  

Create a welcoming entrance
First impressions are lasting impressions. Buyers will often get a feeling about the house before they even open the front door. Enhance your curb appeal by keeping a well maintained yard. A fresh coat of paint on the front door, or perhaps some potted plants and a welcome mat will help create a warm and cozy feeling that will set the tone to impress. Some buyers will even decide whether or not they want to view the home based on their first impressions when driving by.  

Maximize natural light
Bright open spaces give the illusion of size. Open the curtains and blinds to let the natural light flood in. Artificial lighting can also help, so make sure to replace burnt out bulbs and clean fixtures so you can amplify the sense of space. 

Define spaces with purpose
Arrange furniture to highlight the functionality and purpose of each room. If there is a great selling feature in the room, such as a fireplace, make it a focal point by positioning your furniture facing towards it. You may have to edit down your furniture to make the space feel larger and to improve the sight lines from room to room.  Ensure there is unobstructed space to move freely around the house. 

Choose a contemporary style
Where possible, use complimentary paint, furnishings and décor throughout the house to create a polished look. While buying new furnishings or repainting the entire house may not be an option for you, editing down style choices and bringing similar elements in through out the house will help the home feel well-curated. Opt for a more contemporary style that will appeal to the masses. 

Add special touches
Appeal to the senses by incorporating inviting elements. Fresh cut flowers in the living room, a fancy cookbook in the kitchen, or scented candles and fresh folded towels in the bathroom are subtle touches that create a warm and inviting atmosphere. They make your home look luxurious and hint to the type of lifestyle your home represents. 

Showcase your outdoor space
The summer is a great time to sell your yard! Decks, firepits, and play areas are all great features that buyers are looking for in the summer. Use outdoor furniture, plants, and a fresh coat of paint to really make your yard a dream space. Make sure to maintain your space in good condition and take care of any needed repairs. Showcase the potential for outdoor living and entertaining.

Invest in professional photos
Once you have your space looking it’s absolute best, ensure your Realtor gets professional photos taken.  As many buyers look at homes online before they even decide if they want to see it in person, it is vital that you put your best foot forward, right from the start. High quality images are essential for creating an attractive online listing and capturing the attention of potential buyers.  

Home staging is about creating a lifestyle and selling a dream. By presenting your home in the best possible light, you increase the likelihood of attracting interested buyers and securing a successful sale. Whether you enlist the help of a professional stager or take a DIY approach, the investment in staging is an investment in the successful and lucrative sale of your home. For advice on how to prepare your home for sale, contact the professionals at the Jason Rustand Team. We are happy to assist you in making the most of your sale.